
20 Talking Treasures - D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Created by Matthew J. Hanson

Twenty magic items with minds of their own. From a courageous shield, to a demon prince bound in a mask.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 02:13:18 PM

Hello Talking Treasures Backers,

We’ve reached our funding goal, and we did it in less than 24 hours! Thanks to you, 20 Talking Treasures will be a reality. Plus we’ve also hit a fun psychological milestone of getting over 100 backers!

At this point it’s not a question of if we hit our stretch goals, but how many we reach!

Up next is for additional interior art for the 20 Talking Treasures.

You’ve already do a lot just by backing, but if want help more and get those stretch goals sooner, please let your friends know about this Kickstarter campaign on social media, message boards, or around the gaming table.

I’m planning to post a preview update each Tuesday during the campaign, and may post additional updates as we hit stretch goals or other news occurs.

Until next time,
