
20 Talking Treasures - D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Created by Matthew J. Hanson

Twenty magic items with minds of their own. From a courageous shield, to a demon prince bound in a mask.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Vibrant Vestments is Live! (And has been for a bit)
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 11:06:54 AM

Hello Talking Treasures Kickstarter Backers,

While Vibrant Vestments went out to backers over a week ago, I’ve realized that I never sent an update.

You should have gotten an email on June 13th from DriveThruRPG with your complimentary download code (or two emails if you got both D&D and Pathfinder versions). If you didn’t let me know.

This wraps up fulfillment of the 20 Talking Treasures crowdfunding campaign. This also means I won’t be sending out regular updates for this campaign, but I might drop a line every now and then should something come up.

Thank you all! It’s been fun!


May Update - Vibrant Vestments Art
5 months ago – Sat, May 04, 2024 at 11:55:43 AM

Hello Backers,

20 Vibrant Vestments is still on track to be released later this month, and we’re starting to see some of the art come in! Below I have one of my favorite, a pair of animated gloves vs. a generic-brand snake-person (definitely not a yuan-ti).

We’re still waiting on the cover and the final version PF2e version before we start layout, but once we have those in hand, we’ll get them out to you pretty quick.

I’ll let you know when it’s out or keep you posted if there’s a delay!


April Update
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 09:16:44 AM

Hello Talking Treasures Backers,

Another quick update this month. The biggest news is that I just sent out the Backer Bonus PDF to all backers who’ve filled out their backer survey. This stretch goal includes four intelligent items compiled from our previous publications. For those of you who backed for 5e and Pathfinder, they will be in separate emails from DriveThruRPG.

Meanwhile 20 Vibrant Vestments remains on track for a mid-to-late May release.

I’ll update you all on that again next month.


20 Talking Treasures is Live!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 08:45:30 PM

Hello Talking Treasures Backer,

You should have gotten an email earlier today from DriveThruRPG with a link to download your copy of Talking Treasures. If you had more than one books as part of your pledge, each one should be in a separate email.

If you think you should be getting a link and haven’t seen one yet, let me know. Some people has some issues with Backer Kit. I’ve resolved all the ones I know about, but it’s possible there’s some people I missed.

I hope you all enjoy the book!


March Update
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 09:10:18 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.